Dreams Keep Me Alive

I’m still learning not to look back at lost dreams. I’m actually trying to understand that I lost nothing. I just didn’t get what was not meant for me. I’m trying to look forward to new dreams. But why can’t I get rid of fear? The fear of repeating the past is the worst. It tries to stop you from dreaming and tells you that they won’t come true just like the old ones didn’t.

Sometimes, I’m torn between my dreams and my fears. A part of me believes that I deserve what I dream of. I deserve to be happy. I deserve to get what I want. However, there’s still that little voice inside of me that tells me not to hope so much, in order not to get disappointed or hurt.

But that’s me! This is how I breathe. This is how I survive. These dreams keep me alive. I can never let go of my dreams. I just need to let go of fear.

Don’t Give Up Dreaming

Do you remember the times where you were dreaming about something specific? Do you remember how much time you spent thinking about it and hoping for it? Do you remember how badly you wanted it?

And then what happened? It was not meant for you! No matter how much you thought about it or prayed for it, it was just not meant for you!

Do you regret the time consumed thinking about it? Please don’t! If there’s something to regret, it’s thinking it would have been the best thing ever. It’s thinking your life would never be complete without it.

The most important thing is to not give up dreaming just because a specific dream didn’t come true. Life is much more interesting when you have something to dream about. So please, don’t ever stop dreaming. Just believe that it’s only the best dreams for you that will come true.

In Silence

Sometimes, no words in the world could describe how you feel. Even if words exist, it’s hard to bring them together. And it’s always heart-breaking to suffer in silence. Maybe if we could say anything, life would be much easier. But on the other side, some things will remain forever unforgettable. And that’s the dark side of life. Not all wounds heal completely. Scars will be left there to remind you of your hurt. You can choose to neglect them or treat them as if they don’t exist. However, they will find a way to let you notice them again, from time to time.

woman s face

Photo by Isabella Mariana on Pexels.com


Listen to Your Heart

Don’t, you can’t, you won’t, it won’t happen, you’ll regret, you’ll lose, and so many other negative words! Those words are so easy to say. You’ll hear people say them to you eveyday. 

People won’t believe in you or your dreams, and they don’t have to. It’s your job to do so! They will never help you acheive your dreams, and you don’t need their help. Help yourself! They don’t want to see you blossom because it will remind them of their failure. They don’t want to see you change what they can’t change. What they say to you is never out of caring, it’s just out of fear. They fear change, they fear challenges, they fear taking risks, they fear life! 

Live your life the way you want and never give up your dreams. Don’t wait for anyone to help you acheive them. Don’t let their negative words destroy your passions. If they tell you that you’re going to lose, know that the only thing than can make you actually lose is listening to them!

Who am I?

I no longer know who I am. I feel that I’m gradually losing myself. Life could be more difficult and depressing. But I can’t bear any more disappointments. Whenever I wake up full of hope, I lose it before night even arrives. I don’t stop trying. However, I’m no longer motivated. I feel like I don’t even want to do things I love. I don’t have enough strength to start again. 

I know I’m more blessed than I ever wanted. But it’s always the things we want and can’t get that pull us apart. Especially when we’ve done everything to get them. I hope someday I get myself back. I hope I could find the motivation I lost. Everything changes, that’s evident. But I don’t want to spend all my life waiting. I need my energy back so I can enjoy what I have now. I need to make myself happy and proud. 

It’s Enough to Believe

But how? What you dream of seems impossible! I can’t see any way. I think you should give up that idea in your head and just do what everyone else does before it’s too late. 

They say I won’t find what I’m looking for. They say I won’t realize my dream. They say I live in a dreamy world of mine. But what they can’t understand is that I believe. And I believe that believing can be enough. Believing that Allah can make my dream come true makes me unable to adopt their way of thinking. I believe that what I’m looking for is looking for me. 

If your life has been full of disappointment, pain, and suffering, you will soon be rewarded. Allah never forgets us. He knows what we want. He can make all our dreams come true even if the whole world can’t believe in them. Never give up, never be afraid. Never take decisions based on fear of regret, because it’s only then that you’ll regret. 

Lost between Flowers

I had chosen it, it was the most beautiful in my eyes. I believed that I would never find another one as beautiful as it was. I didn’t know that there were more beautiful ones. Life is full of gardens. You think that your dream only exists in one of them, while there are always other dreams waiting for you to arrive at their gardens. 

But you know what? Every time I’ve chosen flowers that were not for me. And after having been to so many gardens, I’m fed up. Life is hard for dreamers, especially those who strongly believe in their dreams. 

Another flower is tempting me, but I’m afraid of losing it. I’m afraid of losing it like I’ve lost others. I want no more disappointments. This time I’m tired and I don’t want to suffer.

My beautiful flower, be compassionate and kind, please. I miss happiness so much and my dreams are becoming hopeless. Don’t let me suffer, my flower. Send me a beam, my dream. 

Don’t Believe It!

It tells you that there’s no hope. It tells you that you’ll continue suffering. It tells you that nothing is going to change. It tells you that you’ve nothing left. Don’t listen to it. Your mind is lying to you. It wants you to lose faith. It wants you to lose confidence in yourself. It wants you to stop trying. It wants you to believe it’s over! 

These thoughts are nothing but a false reflection of reality. Don’t let your mind fool you because if you do, everything it says will come true. Life changes. Life changes. Life changes. Even if your hard times have continued for years, that doesn’t mean they won’t come to an end. 

Forgive Yourself

You know what’s your problem? You can’t forgive yourself. You can’t accept the fact that you’re a human being and it’s normal to make mistakes. We can’t always know the consequences of our actions, our choices, or our decisions. Sometimes we have to go through the experience.

The worst moments make us stronger. We become able to face life’s disappointments without whining. Those moments force us to see life from a different perspective. Life doesn’t always go our way, and it’s ok. Maybe our way is not the best. So forgive yourself, and go on! 

The Whole Picture

It’s hard? Maybe! Maybe you’re right. Maybe you’d have been happier and more satisfied of your life. Do you need something you don’t have? Do you always imagine another life? Do you live inside of your mind and wish that everything changes? Do you try and however you can’t? Are you sad? Do you feel you can’t breathe? I know. I know that it’s never easy. I know that your smile is a great liar. I know that no one can guess what you’re feeling inside. I know that you try all the time to seem strong while you’re really exhausted.

But hold on! Asking for another life means giving up the good as well as the bad. I’m sure you have a lot. A looooooot! You’re blessed as no one. You have what others dream of. So it’s unfair to only focus on what you’re missing. Because the whole picture always looks more beautiful than just a part of it. Look at your whole life and avoid looking at what’s missing. Your whole picture is great, so be grateful. 

I just want you to do something: Believe! Believe that happiness will find you. As long as you breathe, some parts of your whole picture will dim, while others will shine. But you have to remember, it’s whole and will always be.